Diet, fashion and fitness trends come and go and it can be hard to keep up. Yet with the growing technology and information being shared and spread more rapidly through the internet these days, it can make sense that we know more now and his can make healthy changes. Still, it can be hard to know what are trends you should avoid and let pass, and what trends you should join in on.
There are downsides and benefits to every diet trend, here are come considerations before you completely change your life to be gluten-free trend or before you entirely bash on it to remain a die-hard bread-lover.
A look at Bread
With generations (AKA basically our entire human population) being sustained on bread for centuries, bashing bread just doesn’t seem to make much sense. If you refer to the Bible (the oldest and most populated book ever), wheat stores and bread was the sustained food source for multitudes, if you refer to historical documentaries, books and manuscripts you will find the same thing. Heck, if you asked your great grandma. Point being, there’s been no problem with people bashing bread this much until now. That begs the question, why now?
A brief history:
A whole, complete, perfect little wheat grain is harvested. This wheat grain is complete with all the parts for our bodies to needed including the nutrients that “feed” us and then enzymes that break it down in our bodies. In the olden days (referred to above) this said wheat grain was ground up, mixed up, and fired up into bread all on the same day, leaving all the goodness of the wheat grains intact and fresh. People would eat their daily bread, digest their daily bread and live happily ever after.
So, what happened?
In 1921 Wonder bread was born, the light fluffy soft and first sliced bread ever. What’s the greatest thing since sliced bread, you ask? Well, everything, because it turns out this Wonder bread was white because the wheat grain was completely dissected and demolished. The enzymes and nutrients were separated, and the flour bleached. On top of this, the bread would sit in shelves for a while, weeks at least. But a good, healthy organic wheat grain goes rancid after 24 hours of being ground. So, more healthy nutrients and no more ways to digest it. People were getting sick and diseased and dying. Sad day for bread lovers.
In the 1940s, the government caught on and made it a requirement that these bread companies replaced the nutrients. Problem solved, right? Ehhh not so much. See these “enriched” flours contain synthetic and chemical ingredients your body doesn’t know what to do with. Problem not served, problem made arguably worse.
A look at Intolerances
If you have fresh, homemade daily bread you should be in the clear then, right? Hopefully. But not everyone can process the gluten. If this is the case, you may have an intolerance the best way to find out is to pay attention to your body. Have fresh bread for a period of time, then don’t and see the difference. Combining your bread diet with probiotics and healthy guy foods such as kombucha, bone broth, and Saurkraut because bread intolerance can go hand in hand with a harmed gut.
A look at calories
Going gluten-free can help you achieve your health goals, but it can damage your weight goals if you’re not careful. “Gluten-free” has become synonymous with “guilt-free” these days, giving you permission to indulge freely. This is a common misconception, however, because brown rice flour, almond meal, and coconut meal can be higher in calories than good ol’ fashion flour can. So next time you’re at the bakery or looking on Pinterest for a yummy dessert recipe, keep in mind that using 2 lbs of almonds, although may not upset your stomach like bread could, still is high in calories.
What is your opinion on the bread argument? I’d love to hear your opinions! For more, follow my blog with Bloglovin

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