Strawberries are considered to be many people’s favorite fruit and favorite berry, but they are more than just a delicious summer fruit. Strawberries are high in minerals, vitamins and powerful antioxidants that make them delicious, nutritious and the right choice for a healthy snack. Check out these 5 reasons to eat more strawberries all summer long.
1. Antioxidants
There are certain plant compounds found in fruits and vegetables that are unique in helping our bodies achieve particular functions. Strawberries, for example, contain what are called “Ellagic acid” and “Procyanidins” which are antioxidants uniquely found in strawberries. Strawberries also contain among the highest amounts of extremely high phenolic antioxidants than any other fruit.
2. Heart Health
Have you ever noticed that red foods such as tomatoes, Strawberries, and other berries are considered good for your heart (which is also red). As it turns out, this bright red color does more than just make your food pretty. The red color comes from “Anthocyanins” which have been linked to helping maintain a healthy heart. Strawberries also contain Potassium, which helps to regulate blood pressure and maintain a healthy heart, and heart-healthy antioxidants specifically found in berries.
3. Healthy Skin
Strawberries are a high and natural source of Vitamin C, which helps retain elasticity in the skin, preventing wrinkles and improving clarity and complexion for healthy skin.
4. The good kind of sweet
Strawberries are definitely a sweet treat, but they rank low on the glycemic index, meaning that they are not as high in sugar as other fruits are. Plus, the sugar they contain is totally natural, so the best way to eat your strawberries is raw. Strawberries have also been proven to maintain low blood sugar, so if you have a sweet craving or are going to have a dessert, reach for a bowl of strawberries first.
5. Prevent sickness
Strawberries help boost your immunity, and when your immune system is down, that is when you are most susceptible to getting sick. This is because of the high levels of Vitamin C and the antioxidants found in strawberries are fast acting, making them great to munch on when you start feeling under the weather.
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