It can be so easy to get caught up in being productive. Society teaches us that our ability to get things done is parallel to our value as a person. Staying on top of your schedule is great, but forgetting to give yourself some love along the way is all too common. That is why I wanted to show you how to start a self-love ritual.
Focusing on self-love doesn’t have to completely disrupt your routine. In fact, I like to think of it as enhancing my routine. Let’s get into it!

What is a Self-Love Ritual?
When people think of self-love, the phrase “treat yourself” comes to mind, but that’s not the case. It’s great to indulge in a little retail therapy, but self-love is so more than a new outfit or a face-mask/bubble-bath combo.
So how do you start a self-love ritual? Real self-love is about taking care of yourself, and that’s why building a daily self-love ritual around your routine is so important!
Get Up Early
The first step for incorporating more self-love into your life is getting up early, or earlier than you typically do. You don’t have to be up at 5:30 AM, but give yourself some time to greet the world with intention.
Before you grab your phone or hop onto your laptop, take some time for yourself. You could spend your morning meditating, praying, or journaling. Starting your day with mindfulness will provide insight into how you’re feeling. Don’t be afraid to sit with yourself and reflect on what comes up.
Wash Your Face
Washing your face is probably something you do without thinking. It is so easy for me to move through the motions of my skincare routine while my mind is somewhere completely different. This is a great opportunity to incorporate your daily self-love ritual.
Apply your products with intention. Think about how caring for your skin benefits your life. This is something you do for yourself. So, reflect on that as you move through your routine. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring it back to the action at hand.
A huge part of incorporating self-love into your life is doing things mindfully. It becomes easier to appreciate the little things when you pay attention to.
Make a Healthy Breakfast
Whether you meal prep or make breakfast every day, it’s important to start your morning with a nourishing, healthy meal. Breakfast can make or break your day. Make sure to choose ingredients that will keep you full and focused until lunch.
Instead of wolfing down your meal in front of a screen, leave the tech in another room. Be present with your meal. Sit at a table and focus on the task at hand.
Eating is something that comes second nature to us. Like my skincare routine, I can move through a meal without even tasting it. Especially if I have my phone in my hand.
Try paying attention to how your food tastes and think about the effort that went into making it. Take the time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Plus, eating with intention can help with digestion and nutrient absorption!
Repeat Affirmations
When leaving the house, tell yourself that it is going to be an amazing day. Repeating affirmations is putting the power of positive thinking to work. You can choose a simple affirmation or choose something more personal.
Repeat your affirmation as you walk out the door or on your way to work. Then, put on a song that makes you feel great and jam. Fun, upbeat music can really make a difference.
Create an Evening Routine
Everyone talks about the importance of a morning routine. Did you know that having a self-love oriented evening routine is just as beneficial? Don’t throw your stuff to the side and plop down on the couch as soon as you get home.
Continue to move through your day mindfully. Take the time to put your stuff away and change into something comfy. Tidy up if you feel the need. If not go ahead and relax. If you’re anything like me, you haven’t stopped all day so you deserve the rest.
Put your feet up and indulge in something you love to do. That could be anything from cuddling up with a good book or catching up on The Bachelor. When you start a daily self-love ritual, remember that it’s all about loving you!
End the Day With Gratitude
As you settle down for the night, eat your dinner mindfully, and intentionally apply your skincare regimen, reflect on your day. Ask yourself what happened today that you are thankful for. It shouldn’t be something all-encompassing. Think about the little things that made you smile.
Practicing gratitude rewires the brain to focus on the things you are thankful for. It increases dopamine and serotonin levels over time, making your happier and more satisfied.
I like to keep track of my gratitude in a journal. It’s fun to look back on the simple things that made me happy over time. It has taught me that there is always something good to look back on, even on the worst days.

What do you think?