- Celebrate Memorial Day
It’s easy to get lost in the plans you’re making with your three-day weekend, the BBQs and cute summery outfits… that’s all fun and great, in fact, it’s amazing! The reason we in the United States are all able to celebrate our freedom is because of the brave men and women who fought for our freedom and served our country, making the ultimate sacrifice. Memorial Day is a National Holiday in the US, dedicated to celebrating the lives of the brave men and women who never came home so that others might live. This Memorial Day, remember to celebrate your freedom with kindness and gratitude to one another and honor your troops wherever you are. However, you’re enjoying this three day weekend with friends of family, likely with a cold one and a BBQ out back or maybe a trip along the coast, don’t let this three-day weekend slip away, enjoy your freedoms and make the most of it!
2. Clear the cobwebs
In life, there is a time and purpose for everything under the sun. With a new Summer season upon us, it may be time for you to lighten up your physical space by decluttering and getting rid of the past seasons’ things and embracing what is new. Take a look at what clothes in your closet may no longer be worn or needed, and donate them to give you some space and someone else a new outfit. There are so many people in need, it;s a great excuse for you to give, be grateful, and maybe even get a few new pieces for yourself! Clearing out your home, bedroom, closet or even your daily workspace can be a refreshing kick off to summer!
3. Get in with the season
Look around and smile, friends. Winter is gone, and so is everything in the past. It’s time to embrace the new season ahead, and a great way to start is with what you’re declaring about yourself every time you walk out the door. Check out those bikinis and overalls and new trends gracing the boardwalks, and have fun with it. Brights are in, florals are flocking the racks and one-piece bikinis are totally sexy again. Kick off summer with friends by embracing those Memorial Day sales and check out the trend alert.
4. Work it out- outside!
With the sun shining, there’s no excuse to stay inside! Get up, get outside and get moving. It’s time to get back in shape for those adorable bikinis and leg-revealing rompers and dresses. Taking up tennis, biking, hiking or even swimming. Opt for fun, challenging workouts that keep your heart rate up, and keep you falling in love with your body. Consider joining a local team league to make new friends and keep yourself consistent. Remember, the sunshine is an invitation to go outside and enjoy it, and working out should be fun!
5. Volunteer and get involved in your community
There are people everywhere in need, so taking time out of your fun-filled summer is a great way to get a fresh perspective on your own life and to lend a helping hand. Check out our local community board, church, orphanage, or just look around and see if you can help clothe, comfort, feed or build something for someone in need. It can be incredibly healing for your mental and physical health, and surely provide you a fresh perspective on life.
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