Before I became a mom, I spent a huge portion of my third trimester scouring the internet researching, “Newborn Essentials” and what the heck I needed to take care of a newborn baby. I was so overwhelmed, lacked sleep, and glued to a computer screen. There is a LOT of information out there and a lot of things that the internet says you need. I bought and tested a bunch of products, so I wanted to compile my thoughts on them and if/how they work for us. I hope you can use this as a guide to help you decide what will work for you. Also, if you have a pregnant friend or new mom in your life, these products also make great gifts!
There are a lot of options on the market and I’ve actually tried and tested a bunch of them. Here are my thoughts
- Baby Bjorn Bouncer – This one is always on my kitchen counter when I’m cooking or having breakfast. It’s simple and ergonomic for the baby.
- mamaRoo – This is on the pricier side, but worth it in my opinion if you can afford it. This one is great if you work from home or need to do be hands on doing something else and need to keep the baby happy. You can strap in your babe and it moves on its own.
- Nuna Leaf Rocker – Alina really loves this one and often falls asleep. This one grows with your child, so I feel like she will be able to use it for a while.
- Snuggle Me Lounger – Like a little hug. Alina loves to chill in this because she feels nice and snug.
- DockATot Lounger – Doesn’t hug around your baby as much. A big flatter and harder. Not Alina’s favorite!
My Overall Thoughts:
If you had to choose one (and it’s within your budget), I’d choose the mamaRoo. The fact that it can rock on its own while I’m working has been a life savor. It has different settings, such as swing, car ride (Alina’s favorite), etc., so you can figure out what your baby likes best. The other options you have to manually rock with your foot.
And between the DockATot and Snuggle Me loungers, Alina preferred the Snuggle Me. It snuggles up around her so she feels more safe and confined. The Doc a Tot is less “snuggly” and a bit flatter / harder. I think this is totally a personal preference to what your baby likes!

Carriers & Strollers
A stroller and carrier is a huge part of newborn essentials. I have purchased some and received some of these from brands – which I am so grateful for! I hope the below reviews of them can help you make a purchase decision. Strollers can get expensive and you want to find the best that’s going to work for you!
- Snoo – Alina sleeps in this every night. It is on the pricier side, but such a life savor in my opinion!
- UPPAbaby Stroller – Our neighborhood streets are super bumpy, so the UPPAbaby’s larger wheels help stabilize the bassinet attachment and prevent Alina from being jostled around a lot. We also love the pull down shade on the bassinet. Downside you have to buy a bunch of attachments as your child grows.
- Doona Stroller – This is a car seat and stroller in one. This one is great for travel and on-the-go because it is compact and light. Downside is that the wheels are so small, which doesn’t help with our bumpy neighborhood sidewalks.
- Colugo Stroller – This is a great all-in-one system. It easily transitions from infant to toddler – from a lay flat with straps to an upright sitting position. It also has a SPF 50 sunshade.
- Solly Baby Wrap – Super soft and comfortable
- Artipoppe – On the pricier side, but super easy to use.
My Overall Thoughts:
I think strollers are a such a personal preference. For our current living situation, the UPPAbaby has been incredible with our neighborhood streets. If we were more in the suburbs, the Colugo might be my go-to.
As for carriers, same thing. Our ultimate favorites are the Artipoppe one for ease of use and the Solly baby wrap for comfort.
Newborn Essentials Gadgets
Babies don’t need a lot to survive, but there are quite a lot of gadgets and tools that can make your life easier as a mom. Here are of the Newborn essential things I heard about when researching
- White Noise Machine or Shusher – I’d get two. One by the crib or bassinet and one for the stroller. These have been a huge help when I have to take Alina on errands with me.
- Theo & Brad feeding / care seat – If you are a first-time parent, this is a great asset! It helps keep the baby in a good position for feedings and other things. It helps your arms not get as tired – My husband especially loves it for feedings.
- BabyBrezza Formula maker – This is like a Keurig for formula.
- Frida Baby Paci Medicine Dispenser – Great to have on hand if/when your babe needs any supplements or medicine. I’ve used it to give her Gripe water for her colic.
- Hatch Smart Changing Pad – This has a built in weighing system that helps track growth process. Really nice to see if Alina is gaining weight and hitting growth marks.
- Frida Baby Nail Clippers – Specifically designed for little babes and their fragile skin / nails.
- Frida Baby Bitty Bundle of Joy – all you need for the things you don’t necessarily think about. Peri bottle for moms, snot suckers, gas relief tubes, and nail clippers. This is SUCH a good baby shower gift.
Feeding & Bath Time Newborn Essentials
- Wubbanub Pacifier – This has a little soft stuffed animal attached to the paci – great for little hands to hold on to. It also is a lot easier to find than a single loose clear pacifier.
- Bibs Paci – Our favorite.
- Oh and don’t forget Paci clips so they don’t get lost as easily.
- Comotomo Bottles – Alina has liked these the best because its a slower release of milk
- Avent Bottles – second best in my opinion
- Haakaa – basically suctions your boob to prevent let down as you breast feed using the other one.
- Burp Cloths – lots and lots and lots of them.
- Wipe Warmer – so the wipes are as cold on the baby’s skin.
- Bottle Brush – For quick cleanings
- BabyBrezza Sterilizer – saves you SO much time by not having to microwave or boil water.
- Wet wipes – lots and lots and lots.
- Bath Towel with hood – keep them nice and warm.
- Infant Bathing Tub – Keep them propped up and not slipping around. This one holds and conforms to almost any sink.

Clothing, Swaddles, and Blankets
- Wrap style clothing with snaps or zippers – Easiest to whip off and on for diaper changes! I like the zippered ones for day time, but during the night since Alina sleeps in the Snoo, the zipper ones don’t work as great. They end up leaving a mark on her chest from the Snoo swaddle.
- Sleep Gowns – Really easy for nighttime diaper changes, but Alina didn’t care for them since she like to sleep froggy style
- Swaddles with Velcro – Easy to keep them tucked in and comfy
- Muslin Blankets – super lightweight, but still soft and cozy.
- Sun hat – protect their super fragile skin!
- Play gym mat – This is great for tummy time. You can also get one with a mobile, so it can entertain baby after the 2 month mark!
I hope this thorough list helps you narrow down what you might need or don’t need when it comes to newborn essentials! Make sure to check out my full Elvie Breast Pump review too!

August 31, 2021Thank you for taking the time to make such a useful list for all pregnant moms. 🙂