When we try so hard to eat healthy, workout, and make sure we are getting “good in” and “good out”, why do we skimp on skincare? SO many products on the market today are full of well, BS. It’s no wonder we don’t see results. Gimmicks and ineffective trends are frustrating. I prefer to stick with things that work time and time again: natural skincare. That is why I fell in love with the skincare brand “No B.S.”. They brag about their “authentic and bold” formulas with no hype or fads, just straight good-for-you products. Their skincare line is clean. If you want your skin to be clean and clear, then so too should the ingredients be. Pure, simple packaging mirrors the clean and simple ingredients that you won’t find on their bottle. No, if you want to find out what magical stuff makes this skincare, you have got to visit their beautiful website. Darn. A website full of guilt-free products, practical tutorials and coupon codes… twist my arm, I’ll check it out.
What I love about No B.S. is that they aren’t just about selling product, their about exposing the industry and making big changes for the better. It’s a skincare movement that’s pure, simple and no B.S.
What do you think?