There are approximately 104 weekend days each year. That’s 104 opportunities to have an awesome adventure. So often, the weekends slip into the week because we finally have the chance to go out with friends on Fridays, sleep in on Saturdays and brunch our little hearts out on Sundays. Weekends often become forgotten as the perfect chance to get away. But those 2-3 days (depending on your work or school schedule) sneaking into your calendar and slipping away into playing catch-up or running errands can be the perfect opportunity to try something new. I challenge you to put all those “to-do” list housekeeping tasks on hold for a few days this weekend, to invite your friends to do something out of the ordinary, or go on a solo trip to somewhere you’ve never been. Whether you opt in for some discovery this weekend or want to plan ahead for some time in the future, there are some simple things you can do to best plan a weekend trip and get the most out of it.
1. Use Discount Sites
Not sure where to go? Not too picky? Hop on a discount travel site and just pick the cheapest option. Don’t be afraid to be a bit spontaneous and try someplace new. If you are dead set on a destination, still try the discount sites first. To get the best travel deals, give yourself 4-6 weeks ahead to book airfare and hotels. Sometimes, though, by using websites such as Hotel Tonight, you can get discounted rates, even if you are booking last minute.
2. Pack Snacks
This may sound like a simple tip, but the cost of travel can be the biggest hindrance to traveling. It’s cheaper to stay home and cook for yourself! But if you plan right, and do certain little things like bring your own food instead of eating out wherever you go, then you can pinch those pennies and not feel like weekend trips are going to break the bank.
3. Tell your Friends
Solo travel is a blast. It can be an awesome opportunity to get away, find solace and rejuvenate. You can meet new people, and do what you want without anyone else cramping your style. But if you tell a few friends, or acquaintances with similar interests, you have a unique chance to grow a friendship, get some suggestions and likely create some unforgettable memories. If you tell your friends where you’re planning to go, more often than not, your friends will be game and encourage you to go and want to be a part of the adventure.
4. Be Strategic with Work
Get ahead on whatever tasks you can. Cover a shift from someone you may need to cover you in the future. Be a hard worker now so you can enjoy the break when it comes. Let your boss know ahead of time that you have something in mind, involve them in the conversation and they may offer up an extra day to help you out. Communication is key. You may be able to squeeze a day or two extra into your weekend if you play your cards with work right.
5. Plan Your Schedule
It’s crunch time, you only have a few days. Weekends, if planned right can feel long, refreshing and have plenty of daylight and time for adventuring. But just as easy, the hours can slip away and it can feel like a wasted effort if you don’t get much done. If you block out hour by hour what you want to do then you will have some guidance. Look up best places to go or best things to do before you go, so you have an idea of what you will do when you arrive. This way, you will spend less time on your phone Yelping the hot spots and more time indulging in the awesome experience that is your weekend.
6. Book with JetSuite
Sometimes, staying in town just isn’t going to be enough to satisfy that wanderlust spirit of yours. Book with a company like JetSuite, who offers private jet services at a discounted rate. With no busy airports or security lines to deal with, getting out of town for the weekend doesn’t have to mean you have to deal with the weekend airport hassle.

ashutosh singh
March 1, 2017andreea i am diehard fan of yours. i will go straight, i just want to say u that i love you a lot lot lotttttt