Three months ago, I had the opportunity to test out a new skin care brand and as you might assume I was intrigued. The name caught me right away: Puristry. I like the sound of that. With all the exposure I get to skin care brands, I sometimes wonder how in the heck they came up with the brand names. In this case however, it works!! Puristry: the chemistry of pure products. How simple.
I decided to test out the Flower Water Toner and the Yerba Mate Eyecream. The first time I ever used the products I was in South Carolina on a family vacation and MAN, was it HOT!!! My skin felt so dry from the constant beach days (hey I’m not complaining, just saying) the sun is not kind to our skin. So when I got home I started using the Toner before bed and in the morning.
The moment you put it on, you know you are using something so gentle and calming. The aroma is so so light. The packaging is beautiful and the product worked overnight! I woke up with my skin feeling more hydrated and supple. At least until we got to the beach again later that day… I think anytime you have organic rose and calendula in a toner the battle is half won in terms of calming hydration.
I also tried the Yerba Mate Eye Cream because let’s face it, Yerba mate is hot right now and for good reason. If you want a caffeine packed beverage there’s your drink. Everyone has probably heard of the coffee scrubs and other coffee based beauty rituals so when I saw an eye cream with caffeine not coffee based, I definitely wanted to try it. Caffeine is widely used in beauty products because it boosts circulation. That’s why many people use them for scrubs on the back one the legs to minimize cellulite. Now why not use it under the eyes! The reason we get dark circles is because the lack of circulation under the eyes causes the under eye to look puffy and dark. So using the Yerba Mate caffeine packed eye cream to boost circulation is genius!
I love the smell of the cream too. You can tell there is Yerba Mate inside and if you’re a fan of the drink, you’ll be a fan of this eye cream. I used it at night every day I was on my trip and in the morning I mixed it with my tinted moisturizer and dabbed it under my eyes. It made me look like I had a 9-hour beauty rest and I looked fresh and vibrant as if I used a bunch of concealer.
I would definitely recommend this Puristry duo or this brand in general for all my beauty junkies out there! We only have one skin so why not take good care of it!
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