This rainbow veggie tray and spinach dip is the perfect dish for St. Patricks day celebrations. Not only is it gorgeous, but it is also packed full of healthy ingredients that will keep all your guests happy and healthy.

Most spinach dips are full of mayo packing in lots of fat and unhealthy oils. So I switched out the mayo and replaced it with whole greek yogurt to make this dip more healthy. Your guests will love the spring flavors of fresh dill, garlic, red pepper, green onion and parsley in this dip. Get creative for your rainbow veggie tray and source fun ingredients from your local grocery store.

Get clever, creating the rainbow veggie tray by using all the colors of the rainbow. Here are some ideas you can use for the different colors of the rainbow:
Red- Radishes, tomatoes, beets, red peppers, strawberries
Orange- Carrots, orange tomatoes, squash, peppers, oranges
Yellow- Peppers, yellow carrots, yellow tomatoes. mango, pineapple
Green- Peas, lettuce, herbs, cucumbers, olives, green apples, asparagus
Blue- Blueberries, blackberries, plums, concord grapes
Purple- Purple yams, purple carrots, purple cauliflower, figs
White- mushrooms, cauliflower, turnips, parsnips
Your body will love these rainbow plate nutrients!
Here are some reasons why you want to eat all the colors of the rainbow:
Red vegetables and fruit are full of antioxidants such as vitamin A (beta carotene), vitamin C, manganese, and fiber, making them an excellent choice for heart health and overall wellbeing.
Orange vegetables get their vibrant color from beta-carotene, a form of vitamin A that acts as an antioxidant. Vitamin A supports our eyesight, regulates our immune system and keeps our skin healthy.
Yellow fruits and vegetables have a phytochemical called bio-flavonoid, know as Vitamin P. Vitamin P, helps the body’s skin absorb vitamin C better. Vitamin C is needed to replenish the skin to stay healthy. Say hello to gorgeous glowing skin from eating yellow vegetables and fruits.
Green fruits and vegetables, as we all know, are an essential part of a healthy diet. Greens are full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Eating your greens can reduce the risk of obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and mental decline.
Blue Fruits there are not a lot of blue fruits and vegetables, and this is because of the blue pigment in the foods chemically less stable than other pigments, causing them to dominate the over the blue pigments. But blueberries are the closets to blue and are high in vitamin K, great for bone health. And blueberries are also known as the king of antioxidants, perfect for fighting everyday free radical damage.
Purple fruits and vegetables are high in anthocyanins. Some studies have shown that anthocyanins may benefit brain health, help to lower inflammation and fight cancer and heart disease.
White fruits and vegetables contain the right amount of nutrients that can lower the level of bad cholesterol in your body as well as lower high blood pressure. White fruits and vegetables have shown to have an immune-boosting effect on your body.

Recipe for Spinach Dip
Makes 2 cups of dip
Takes 20 minutes to make plate and dip
5 cups fresh baby spinach packed
1/4 cup green onions
1 clove garlic minced (makes 1 tsp)
1 1/2 cups greek yogurt
2 tbsp mayo
1/4 cup feta cheese
1/4 cup loosely packed chopped dill
1/4 cup loosely packed chopped parsley
1/4 cup chopped red pepper
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp salt and pepper
For the rainbow plate, look at the fruit and vegetable suggestions above.
1. Wash spinach and leave water on leaves.
2. Put the spinach into a pot or cast iron pan.
3. Heat on medium heat saute spinach until wilted like the above picture. 5. Let cool for 5 minutes on a plate.
6. While spinach is cooling, saute your green onions and garlic on medium-low heat in a greased pan for 2 minutes. Place off to the side to cool.
7. Place spinach into a tea towel and wring out excess water, shown in the picture above.
8. Chop spinach before putting in the food processor.
6. Put chopped spinach, yogurt, feta cheese, mayo, chopped red pepper, lemon juice, sauteed garlic and green onion, salt, pepper, and onion powder into the food processor.
7. Pulse on high until well blended.
8. Serve with a variety of rainbow veggies and assort into colours for St. Patricks day.

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