Babies are magical… and stinky! By the time your little one is only a year old, you will have used hundreds of diapers. Diaper Pails make that inevitable fact a little less smelly and a lot more time efficient. Having a diaper pail right next to your changing table will prevent you from having to use a regular trash can to hold your dirty diapers or from taking out the trash 16x a day. There are many different kinds of diaper pails, but the ones that I have found are the best for odor control have some kind of internal odor locking technology. That way, every time you open the lid the smell doesn’t come out. I’ve compiled the five most popular pails below and outlined my experience with them, so you can decide which are the best diaper pails for you!
Let me know your experience in the comments below. Also, make sure to check out my other product reviews in the motherhood section of the blog!
Munchkin Step Diaper Pail Powered by Arm & Hammer
The Munchkin Step Diaper Pail has been my favorite overall diaper pail. I love that you step on the pedal to open the lid, which helps when you are holding your baby and a dirty diaper. This pail has a self sealing system, which keeps odor out by automatically sealing the bag inside the pail when the lid closes. The bag stays sealed when the lid is opened back up – aka no blast of stink.
You will need special trash bags that are made for diaper pails, but you can buy generic ones, which are most cost-effective. In my opinion, it’s totally worth it because it locks in that odor and you won’t have to take out the trash as often. Saving you time and money.
OVERALL: Best for Odor Control
Playtex Diaper Genie
Similar to the Munchkin, Playtex’s Diaper Genie has internal technology that helps prevent odors from leaking into your room. It has a push and lock clamp which prevents odor from escaping when you toss a diaper. It is sort of like a trap door. This pail specifically holds up to 50 newborn diapers, which will save you trips to the garage!
This type of pail also requires special trash bags, but find generic ones to save money in the long run!
I think this is the best option for someone who is cost conscience. Munchkin is still my overall favorite, but this is a close second!
OVERALL: Best Cost Effective
Ubbi Steel Odor Locking
Though this diaper pail is extremely popular and seemingly has incredible reviews, I found this one to be the least effective when it comes to odor blocking. There is no odor locking technology inside the pail, so each time you open the sliding lid, all of the smells waft back out into the room. You can use any type of trash bag for this pail, which is convenient, but that feature alone is what makes this pail the smelliest.
Dekor Classic Hands-Free Diaper Pail
While I haven’t had personal experience trying this diaper pail out, I did notice the brand name a lot while researching for what worked for me.
Similarly to the Munchkin, Dekor has a foot pedal to open the lid, which is convenient when carrying baby! It also allows you the ability to cut the liner whenever you choose with its built-in cutter, instead of waiting for a pre-set perforated edge. This pail holds up to 45 newborn diapers.
Bubula Steel Diaper Pail
I also haven’t had personal experience with this brand of diaper pail, but it seems to be another popular option, though on the pricier end of the spectrum. What makes this potentially worth the price point is how the diaper is disposed. The lid has a compartment you place the dirty diaper in. Only when the lid is closed, does the diaper drop into the bag below – aka no wafting smells. There is also no need for special trash bags – your regular garbage bags will suffice!

What do you think?