To many people, cooking at home can sound more like a chore than an enjoyable thing to do. Personally, I enjoy cooking, but I also know that to many people it can be a stress. There are many benefits to cooking at home that can help you achieve your health goals. Whether it is to lose weight, save money, or improve your overall health, cooking at home can help you regain your health goals
- Know Your Food
Regardless of if the restaurant is “vegan”, “gluten free”, “healthy”, “fresh”, or any other labels out there that may be placed on it, the truth of the matter is: if you aren’t preparing your own food you never really know everything that goes on behind the scenes. Going to different restaurants around the world and in different cities is so much fun and something I regularly enjoy. Eating out is definitely a regular thing to do, especially when traveling so much and living in LA with so many great restaurants, it’d almost be a shame not to indulge in the impressive variety of cuisines. However, when you cook at home, you know much better what you’re eating, because you are able to source the ingredients yourself, ensure cleanliness, freshness, and be the one preparing it from start to finish.
2. Maintain a Healthy Weight
When you eat out, you are choosing from a preset menu where the food options don’t always fit into the diet goals you are aiming to achieve. A lot of sneaky calories come in dressings, sauces, cocktails, and popular food items. And let’s face it, how many of us count the calories or really look into the nutrition facts before ordering that juicy steak? Not many. So, if you have specific goals to maintain a healthy weight, it’s best to have bulk of your meals cooked at home so you can control your portions and intake.
3. Save Money
Whether you are cooking for yourself or for your whole family, grocery shopping can save you tons. I love to splurge on a nice restaurant and to go out with friends, but cooking at home save more money because I am able to get many more ingredients for a fraction of the cost. Instead of meeting up at a restaurant, invite your friends over for a friendly dinner, not only is it less expensive but it can be a great way to bond in a more intimate setting.
4. Teaches You the Skill
Viewing cooking as more of a hobby than a chore can change everything. Watch some fun recipe videos online or tutorials on youtube, or treat yourself to a new cookbook. If you begin to learn the art of cooking and gain an appreciation for the ingredients and food you;re working with, it can be so much more fun to cook for yourself and give you the chance to serve others. I truly enjoy cooking for others, and seeing them enjoy the food I made. It’s a great way to share with someone, and I’m grateful I have the skill to do so.

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