It may sound like just another thing added on to your beauty “To-Do List”, but trust me, Moisturizing your skin is something you don’t want to skimp on. There are many short-term and long-term reasons why you should be using a moisturizer (a good moisturizer) every day, and in every season. With so many products on the market and so many different types of creams, lotions, and body butters on the market today, it can be a bit tricky to know what is best. Rest easy knowing that something is usually better than nothing, however, going with high-quality ingredients is usually your best bet and definitely worth the investment. After all, you do only get one body & one face, best to take care of it the best you can!
- Clear, Consistent Complexion
With varying types of skin, and varying environments, our skin goes through a lot. In the summer months, hard UV rays, and sun exposure can leave our skin damaged and dry, in the winter months, redness and flakiness can result as well. Our skin has to adapt to the varying conditions it is exposed to, so adding a daily moisturizer can help ensure our complexion remain unchanged, even when the seasons do.
- Anti-Aging Benefits
What is the secret to staying looking young all women ask? Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Be thankful for your wrinkles, they are a sign of a long life! But let’s be honest, if we can have a long life and a wrinkle-free face, all the better! As we age, wrinkles occur because the skin gets thinner, dryer, and less elastic. Applying moisturizer can help aid our skin in all of these ways. This is why there are so many different types of moisturizers. For example, a body butter may be ideal for preventing stretch marks, but you wouldn’t want to place that thick texture underneath your eyes, it would likely pull down your skin and create some not-so-flattering eye bags. If used correctly, moisturizer’s can have an amazing effect on the anti-aging process, the sooner you begin, the better.
- Prevent and Cure Acne
Many times, blemishes on the skin occur because of skin that is too oily or too dry. Adding a good daily moisturizer can aid in the prevention of acne by balancing the skin, and addressing the issues where it may be overly dry, or too oily. If you tend to have oily skin, try a light lotion instead of cream, and if you have dryer skin, try a thicker repair moisturizer with added butter and oil content.
- Soft & Smooth Skin
If this isn’t reason enough to moisturize, I don’t know what is. Who doesn’t want soft, smooth skin? It takes less than a minute and can make a world of a difference in the texture of your skin. Moisturizing is primarily hydrating your skin. As we all know, the way to achieve soft and sultry skin texture it to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water, and moisturize, every day. After cleansing, or taking a hot shower, many of the oils have been stripped from the surface of our skin, leaving us feeling dry and not so fresh. Adding the right moisturizer will seal back in those healthy oils, and restore the plump and clean feel to your skin.
- Your Skin Will Look Brighter
Moisturizing has many long term benefits, but in the short term, it can make your face look instantly brighter and more alive than before. Sometimes, our skin needs a little boost, and hydrating is a simple and effective way to bring life back into our complexion. Moisturizers lock in the water, and protect your skin from the elements, preventing damage and maintaining a healthy glow.
These are my current favorite from and body moisturizers.

December 27, 2016Awesome