Last week I started to crave frozen yogurt, as I usually do every minute of every day. You could say frozen yogurt is my guilty pleasure and I thought “why am I not making this at home?” I’m such an advocate for cooking at home and knowing what ingredients go in your food, I can’t believe I haven’t thought of this before. So I stared browsing Amazon for a frozen yogurt maker. I found one that was reasonably priced that had good reviews and didn’t look like it was gonna be super loud when you use it.
I ended up purchasing this one below.
I told my foodie friend Nicole, who happens to be an amazing personal chef for the who’s who of Hollywood celebs. The mention of my recent purchase immediately sparked a heated and slightly excited discussion of all the fruits and veggies we can turn into frozen yogurt, ice cream and sorbet! In our rapidly escalating verbal gibberish that was only nearly heard by ourselves because the other was frantically speak over the other, we decided to start off with lemon sorbet. A deliciously decadent yet calorie light dessert that will leave your mouth watering.
I love sorbet because it is as guilt free as you can get in having a delicious and frozen treat without sucking on plain old ice. Although the machine comes with a recipe book, we decided to make Nicole’s recipe below:
Lemon Sorbet – makes 2 quarts
Zest of 5 lemons
3 cups of water
1.5 cup of sugar
1.5 cups of lemon juice
1.5 cup lemon pelligrino
Fat Pinch of sea salt
1) In a pot, boil water, sugar, salt and zest of 2 lemons until sugar and salt is dissolved. Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature.
2)In a bowl mix lemon juice and pelligrino.
Pour both lemon liquids (step 1 and 2) into ice cream machine. Add remaining lemon zest to the churning ice cream machine until you reach your desired consistency.
Voila!!!! Now go try it yourself!
March 3, 2016How did you like the machine? I’ve been looking for an ice cream maker for some time now, but have never committed to buying one because I’m not sure if I’d end up using it a lot.
March 4, 2016i love it! I’ve used it quite a bit