Earth Day was founded over forty years ago. In that time the importance of conservation has grown rampantly. The 1970s birthed both the peace movement and a growing concern for our planet. Earth Day 2020 is all about raising awareness for the environment and creating sustainable habits in your daily life.

Earth Day 2020 is a great opportunity to learn how to live sustainably. By implementing a few minor changes to your daily routine, you cut your carbon footprint in half. Here are a few ideas to get you started!
Buy in Bulk for Earth Day 2020
Grocery shopping can produce more waste than necessary. Everything is packaged in plastic, which we immediately recycle or throw away. When you buy in bulk, you can bring your own container and leave the plastic behind.
Many grocery stores provide a bulk option, and it is usually cheaper than packaged goods. Say goodby to grocery store waste and hello to a smaller carbon footprint. Also, don’t forget to bring your reusable bags!
Buy Used
Did you know that buying a new smartphone has the same carbon footprint as using and charging a smartphone for 10 years? This is because the production process of smartphones requires a lot of fossil fuels.
When you purchase a used smartphone (or a new battery for your old one) you reduce your emissions! The same can be said for other electronics, furniture, or even kitchen appliances!
Purchase a Water Filter
Purchasing a water filter will save you tons of money and keep waste out of the landfill. When you choose bottled water you are inevitably contributing to the growing waste problem. Water filters fit right over you tap and provide clean water.
On Earth Day 2020, implement a filter system and start using a metal water bottle! You will never buy water again!
Plant a Tree
Whether you are planting a tree in your back yard or with a neighborhood organization, you are increasing oxygen for generations to come. Trees are one of the most essential species on our planet. Along with clean air, trees provide a home for a multitude of wildlife.
Planting trees on Earth Day 2020 will also help to cool our planet by reducing the number of harsh pollutants in our atmosphere. Pick your favorite tree and give it a home in your community!
Go Meatless One Day A Week
Go meatless on Earth Day 2020. Choosing veggies and fruit over meat will reduce your risk of heart disease and high cholesterol. It will also help the environment. If every American went meatless one day out of the week, we would save over 100 billion gallons of water. We would also reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1.2 million tons of carbon dioxide.
This would be the same as taking 500,000 cars off the road. Plus, going meatless will remind you to eat all of the veggies and grains you by in bulk!
Regardless of how you celebrate Earth Day 2020, create sustainable habits that will benefit you and generations to come!

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