Busy airports, UBER & taxi rides, public train stations, even your hotel rooms and restaurants are all places frequented by traveler’s year round. As fun as it is to travel to all these places, it is hard to avoid the germs that come along with traveling. Don’t let getting sick ruin your vacations. Before leaving for your next trip, make sure you are prepared to fight any illness.
- Zinc
Zinc is an essential mineral and natural over the counter remedy for fighting colds. Zinc plays an important role in immunity, and has been supported by many studies to be considered the top supplement for fighting, preventing and shortening the life of an illness. The recommended daily intake (RDI) is 15 mg/day.
- Grapefruit Seed Extract
Grapefruit seed extract is my go-to for fighting and preventing illness. I add 7-10 drops to my water, and it helps lesson my symptoms and shorten the lifetime of the cold. Grapefruit seed extract has many antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. The common cold, fever, earaches, throat infections and diarrhea are all proven to be effectively fought with Grapefruit Seed Extract.
- Lemon & Honey Tea
Lemon is used to clear the lymph nodes, reduce mucus and is filled with v. Lemon also alters the body’s pH levels, making it less susceptible to infection. Honey is useful to clear the repertory system and sooth the throat in case of a sore throat. Adding raw, natural honey is a great way to provide some instant relief on those days when you are feeling under the weather. I recommend using raw, natural honey and fresh lemons over a lemon tea packet if possible.
- Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar, diluted with water, is a great way to recover from nausea and prevent any future illness. It helps to alkalize your body, and if consumed at the first sign of illness, can help fight infection.

December 21, 2016Pretty cool..
Dilip Singh deora
December 21, 2016I am your worlds best fan
No one loves you as much I love
December 21, 2016Are you from România?
December 25, 2016i am