I didn’t write a blog post on my 2020 goals and resolutions but I did spend some time personally thinking about what I want to accomplish this year. What I want to focus on, the people I want to spend my time with, the way I want to feel, etc. And something that kept coming up across pretty much every goal was being more productive. It’s something I’ve been struggling with lately and I know it’s crucial for me to change – not only for my business but for my personal life too. Instead of always feeling overwhelmed with my to-do list and in turn procrastinating, I want to find better ways to face productivity head-on. Here are a few ways I’m planning on doing so.
Airplane Mode
I’m the first to admit that basically right when I open my eyes, I grab my phone and start scrolling. Instead of going into my morning routine (which I used to prioritize better), I’ve fallen into a habit of looking at my phone. This is obviously a recipe for disaster when it comes to productivity, and it’s not how I want to start my days.
So I’m going to start using Airplane Mode on my phone. This essentially turns off notifications and kind of shuts down your phone (you can save certain contacts so their calls come through) and lets you have peace. Then, once I’m through my morning routine and have time to check Instagram or whatever, I’ll turn Airplane Mode off.

I plan to use this Mode whenever I need a break from my phone or need to focus since my phone can be such a waste of time.

Find ways to be accountable
Whenever people are counting on me to get something done, it’s super motivating for me. Like a lot of people, it’s easy for me to ignore responsibilities when it’s just hurting me. But when others are waiting on me, I’m much more likely to get something done since they’re relying on me.
Whether it’s meeting a new friend at the gym or needing to give someone on my team information, I want to set up a few accountability checks so I stay on top of my shit.
Batch tasks
I’m working on time management which coincides with productivity and I keep reading about this tip of batching similar tasks. For example, booking all conference calls on one day or only checking email 2x a day. For me, I also want to use the tactic for shooting content, running errands while I’m already out and about, and with things like doctor’s appointments.
It’s supposed to be easier on your brain to focus on similar tasks at once and it seems like a major time saver.

Worst task first
Like I mentioned above, I’m VERY bad at getting shit done lately…especially when it’s a task I really don’t want to do (looking at you, taxes and workouts). To combat this issue, I’m going to start doing the worst (or least favorite) task on my daily to-do list first. This way I know it’s done and I don’t have to spend my whole day coming up with excuses on why not.

Being present
This might sound cheesy but I find it to be true. When I’m feeling my best, it’s always because I’m being present. I’m focusing on the task at hand without worrying about other people or other things I need to get done. And because I’m single-tasking and not trying to do 100 things at once, I’m getting more done, and getting more OUT of what I’m doing.

OK let me know, what are your tips for being more productive? Is it something you’re working on this year, too?

What do you think?