Now that Alina is coming up on her first birthday (what?!!!), we’ve been well underway testing out sippy and straw cups for her versus bottles. The AAP suggest bottles should be phased out between 12 and 24 months so they don’t see their bottle as a sort of security blanket and rely on liquid calories versus solid food. Sippy cups are essentially practice for babies to drink out of a real cup. Using an open top cup isn’t necessarily always practical if things are being spilled every time they attempt to drink.

We started getting Alina used to sippy and straw cups around 6 months when we started to introduce solids. When we began, we bought a bunch of different kinds to test out and see which Alina liked best – hard and soft spouts, straws, handles, weighted, glass vs. silicone, etc.
I’ve linked our favorite options below – so shop away if you have little ones entering this stage!! My best advice is to try a bunch and see what your baby likes best. Each child is different, so they will have different preferences! Have any tips or tricks introducing babies to cups? Let me know in the comments below.
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What do you think?