Well, it has been a minute since I’ve written a blog post! So much has happened…. so much has changed. It’s definitely time for a life update. We are having a baby in a little more than a month (definitely not ready… but whoever is). Our house is a construction zone (been living like this for months). There’s a new look to the blog! Do you love it? It’s so much more me. Adjusting to life in Chicago hasn’t been easier either with the pandemic limiting pretty much everything. But hey, let’s catch up properly.
Huge Life Update: We are going to be parents!

Let’s start with the major news: WE ARE HAVING A BABY! It honestly doesn’t feel real and as much as I am so excited, I’m so nervous. I’m sure that’s normal for first-time parents. I still feel like a kid myself so thinking I will be responsible for a little human soon is mind-blowing! I’m curious how many of you reading this are actually parents? If you are, leave any parenting advice in the comments. We need all the advice we can get as both Bryan and I have never even changed a diaper. Can you believe that!?
We actually got a 4D scan recently and it made it so much more real! Seeing her little features was just amazing! I think we have a mini-me of Bryan on our hands. As we are reaching full term, this little lady is sooo active, especially at night. Wierdly, it’s very comforting to feel her moving around even though she is simultaneously hitting me in the ribs and bladder.
We have been going crazy trying to prepare for her but that will be an entirely new post as I don’t want to make this one too long.

Another life update: We bought a house!
Another life update: We started looking for a place last winter but when COVID hit the fan we decided it wasn’t the right time so we put our house hunt on pause and decided to wait until spring. Then quarantine happened and we finally picked up the search last summer and quickly found a gem in a nice little area of downtown Chicago. We ended up moving in last September and spent our first winter here. We quickly realized we need to do some renovations before our baby gets here in June and we have been living in a construction zone ever since. We are nearing the end though and so excited to have this place settled before she arrives.
If you want to see our “just moved in- house tour” check out this video…. which I shot not knowing I was pregnant so as you can imagine some of our plans for this house have changed. Like the dual offices are now only a dream. One became a nursery and the other is Bryan’s office/home gym/guest room. Gotta roll with the punches right? LOL.
If you follow me on Instagram then you can see all the updates we are doing to the house in real-time on stories or check the NEW HOUSE highlight section. I tend to save most things there.
Another one: We got a puppy!
We also decided to get a puppy because Marlo is getting closer to 8 years old and a puppy could really keep her young. Needless to say we didn’t know we were pregnant and lets just say a puppy and my ranging hormones were not the best combination the first few weeks. Luckily he has integrated into our family so well! He is so gentle with the cats and takes no shit from Marlo. In fact he tried to be the alpha of the house which is quite cute! How’s that for a life updates?
Bryan is really good with dogs and at 8 months he was pretty potty trained. Now we can finally get nicer rugs lol. If you’re interested in any puppy tips we made a little video.
I also decided my site needed a bit of sprucing up and so I’m so happy to have the new site up and I’ve added some extra sections like a pet section and a mommy section since that’s such a big part of my life. I’d love your thoughts on the site and what type of articles you’d like to see.
Hope you love it as much as I do!

What do you think?