Finding the motivation to workout can feel like an uphill battle. I know all the fitness coaches and trainers say you just have to get up and do it! But it’s not that simple. If you didn’t grow up playing a sport or being active, it’s not natural to just have consistent workouts as part of your everyday life. It’s a habit that is hard to form and even harder to keep. But all the best things are, am I right? Here is how to find the motivation to workout.
I’ve tried FOR YEARS to light a fire under my ass to go workout consistently. I tried multiple trainers, multiple gyms, workout studios, and workout trends. Every single time, I would have a workout streak for about a month and then I would fall off the wagon again and find it harder to motivate myself then before. Finally, I found what works for me.
Find motivation through a great trainer you can trust
Although most of the trainers I had before were good when we were working out but none really motivated me until Maria, my current trainer I’ve had for the last couple of years.
First of all, she scares me and I respect her time so I show up for our workouts because we both set time aside and it’s important to not flake. Second, she knows her shit! I trust her when it comes to shaping my body because she understands what it takes and doesn’t take any excuses. In fact, she often screams “NO EXCUSES BITCHES….YES, YOU CAN” just when you feel like you can’t do any more reps and somehow you get snapped back to the workout mentally and I push through. She also focuses on our form and keeps us accountable on her zoom workouts by making her whole class redo a set if one person is slacking off…
Find motivation within yourself
I couldn’t understand this concept until recently. People can tell you working out is good for your health and that you WILL see results if you keep with it… but if you can’t find that motivation within yourself you will stop working out. I had to find something that fulled my motivation and that’s getting the best shape I can before I get pregnant. All my friends that have had children have told me it’s much easier to bounce back after if you were in good shape before. THAT is my motivation…
What will yours be?
Find a schedule that works for you
Finding motivation to workout has to also do with the time of day I work out. Ideally I would like to workout first thing in the morning because I don’t want to have to shower and redo my hair and makeup mid day. That to me is motivation enough to not workout. It also gives me more energy for the day and puts me in a productive headspace because I feel like I already accomplished something by working out.
Make your workout schedule a priority
My workouts with my trainer are 3 times a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at noon. I know not to schedule anything during that hour because it’s important I keep with it. I know if I constantly change the times I work out it will not seem like a priority or a routine and that will also make me unmotivated to workout. So find a schedule that works for you and stick to it. No excuses.
I also wanted to share this video I made with my thoughts on my fitness journey. Again, I’m no fitness expert, I’m not even athletic but I made a conscious effort to be healthy and this what motivated me:
If you want to learn more about creating a routine check out THIS article.

What do you think?