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Search for organic makeup

Lashes for Days

Lashes for Days

Is a more expensive mascara worth it? Before you buy a more expensive beauty product, it's nice to know if you're getting your ...

Cruelty Free + Vegan Beauty Brands

Cruelty Free + Vegan Beauty Brands

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As a pet owner, it is hard to imagine terrible things being done to cats, dogs, monkeys, and other innocent furry friends. Unfortunately, ...

Great Natural Skincare Products at Target Under $20

Great Natural Skincare Products at Target Under $20

When it comes to beauty, we all want to have what's best for our skin, but we don't want to have to pay ...

8 Morning do’s and dont’s to get the most out of your day

8 Morning do’s and dont’s to get the most out of your day

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It's been said before that "if you win the morning, you win the day", and this has so much truth to it. Whether ...

Snacking for Beauty

Snacking for Beauty

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Beauty-boosting hacks are found more abundantly in the kitchen than in the bathroom. Sure, a good few makeup tricks can change your whole ...

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