Has Instagram made you feel down or even depressed? Are you comparing yourself to others and not measuring up? I’ve dealt with something similar. There are major side effects of being a social media influencer and until recently I was ready to give up on this career and start fresh.
Mark Twain once said, “comparison is the death of joy” and truer words have never been spoken. I spent most of 2019 comparing myself to others, upset, confused and depressed career-wise because my efforts were not paying off. I lost my passion for what I do and I let insecurities creep in.

My relationship with Instagram is bittersweet, to say the least. It is a platform that has become a big part of my livelihood but something I have no control over. I would put in the work and see little return on countless hours spent writing, editing, doing outreach, photography, videos, accounting, emails, countless product trials… the list could go on and on. It slowly consumed me to the core and ruined entire days at a time. I let thoughts darken my spirit instead of lifting me up. Instagram was my kryptonite.
It all started with the Instagram algorithm changes and the way content was being seen by users on the app. It really screwed me (pardon my french). All of a sudden the women I loved engaging with were gone (still following but no longer seeing my posts). I felt empty after a while because I was no longer creating content for me but for the algorithm and what I thought would perform best, but people were still not there to seeing my content. Was there something wrong with my account? Only the puppet masters of Instagram really know what works on the platform but transparency is not a thing at Instagram.
They SAY you have to use all of the tools available to put yourself in the best space to perform well on the app. That is making content for IGTV, the feed, stories, going “live” and whatever else they decide to come up with. They also say you can’t post and ghost, you have to sit there after posting and engage with other accounts for countless hours. You also have to respond back to people commenting on your posts, and at some point, you become a robot and all the heart and soul goes out of it. I’m not saying it’s not important to engage your community because after all, that IS what I love about this job. But when its forced its not fun or authentic. The algorithm changes were disappointing and not what I signed up for to say the least. Disappointment slowly turned to sadness and sadness slowly turned to anger. Simply put, I was over it.
I was often confused and frustrated because the algorithm change seemed to be affecting my account more than others but comparing yourself to anyone will always be a downfall. You never know the full story to be able to compare anything. On Instagram, that is the majority of what’s going on. A whole lot of flexing and comparing. You never know what is real and what is fake. So much so that it led Instagram to take the positive action of hiding likes. I’ve wanted to write about this for some time but always held back because I didn’t want to be another whinny person on IG talking about the “algorithm.” But is that really gonna be the key to a positive IG experience? Only time will tell.
I sat and thought about permanently leaving the social media space and going back to working for “the man”, but the thought of leaving made me sad. So I decided to give it another go. A new came with a fresh start. I’m going to give it everything I have and post what I want to and what inspires me because I want to see if I can get back to where I love blogging again. I learned an important lesson last year. Just because I’m in the social media rat race, doesn’t mean I have to conform to the norm. I just have to be me.
It’s a lesson I’ve had to learn the hard way but I have taken that lesson and built a foundation to better myself without looking at anyone or anything in order to start this year off right! I will only follow my gut and daily inspirations to create content that matters to me. This is why I decided to stick to this career path in the first place. It was an emotional and creative outlet I never knew I needed until it was there. An outlet that last year was simply unfulfilling and a point of sadness.
Thoughts of “am I still in the right career space,” “am I relevant anymore,” “was I crazy to think this could be a lasting career for me” all crept in along with fear of the unknown. I don’t want to do this job simply for free product or an income. I want it to be a rewarding and positive addition to my life and others.
My AHA MOMENT came during an argument with my husband where he angrily spouted off just how lucky and blessed we were. Listing things left and right in a slightly lower octave below screaming. (Bryan rarely gets angry like that so when he does I know its serious.) I had been wallowing for months. Complaining about this and that, forgetting to be grateful.

So I vowed to make a change.
- I vowed to not let IG control my emotions. I know it’s gonna be hard since my job is VERY interconnected with a platform I can’t control or even have any insight in: I will start blogging more and posting only snippets to my Instagram. I feel more comfortable being open and raw here than on that platform that I have mixed feelings about. So make sure to come to my blog and check for new posts (you can even leave me comments on here too.)
- I vowed to be more grateful: I’ve been starting every day with a mental note of all my blessings and things I’m grateful for. Like family, health, my pets, home, and friendships.
- I vowed to be more healthy: frequent workouts and a better diet.
- I vowed to be more organized and task-oriented to make more time for what’s truly important, time with my family and time spent not thinking about work.
Here’s to a new year and a step in the right direction. 2020 here I come!

January 7, 2020I started following you on IG and then your blog. I left IG because I found myself on it way too much and becoming way too absorbed with it, but I’ve still enjoyed following your blog. I’m glad to hear you’ll be posting on here more! You’ve always seemed very “real” to me in a world of fakeness and I find that truly refreshing.
January 8, 2020Hi Lauren, wow I’m so flattered you continued to follow my blog and I’m so grateful. Which posts resonate with you most? I’m excited to share more on my site. Hopefully, people will eventually remember to check the blog too. I really glad you are here.
January 8, 2020Hi Andreea,
I started following you about 3 months ago because you captured my interest with some of your posts. I really appreciate your authenticity.
I am encouraging you to be yourself and do or post what truly gives you pleasure and satisfaction, no matter how many people will appreciate your posts, or follow you. Quality is above quantity. Don’t fall in the Instagram’s trapp on fitting in the crowd… It’s not a healthy and long lasting option. You must always put yourself above anything or anyone else, think of your own health and happiness.
Your loved ones will be there for you, unconditionally, so don’t neglect them
Besides, inspiring teen girls and not only, in a healthy way can really have a positive impact on society’s future.
Keep up the good work!
Kind regards!
Elena 💝
By the way, I have Romanian origins, too! :😊
Abhinav Singh
January 8, 2020You are beautiful inside out. I have been following you on indtagram for years.
I am not a big social media person, but I like to see your posts on IG. I noticed that your posts perspective took a shift, from a free spirited girl to more of a commercialized set up.
Either way, I still love your posts, and find you bery beautiful.
Thanks for sharing your story. It definitely inspired me, and reinforced my belief that always be grateful fpr what you have and keep working towards new goals.
January 8, 2020Thank you so much, I appreciate you taking the time to read. Yes, unfortunately, I have to take some paid jobs on IG to pay bills but I am getting back to why I loved this blogging world in the first place. the creativity and the personal connection.
January 8, 2020I really wish you all the best for this New Year and hope you find something more interesting than Instagram, and that fills your heart with ❤️ and joy! 🥂2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣0️⃣
January 9, 2020Thank you for sharing this article. I came across your article from Rose stories (she is my friend) I have been struggling and thinking of going back to work but I hold back because I love what o do and it has been my passion for so long. I’ve had amazing opportunists, worked with amazing brands but yet I feel Instagram shuttered my dream! I have to stop comparing myself too because that makes me more confused or angry! Thank you, good luck !
Katherine L
January 13, 2020I enjoy reading your posts and learning about your insights – whether it be self-esteem to relationships. Personal growth is always so important. Glad to hear you’re approaching the influencer lifestyle from a new perspective!